Re: [Xen-users] Xen and iSCSI - options and questions
----- "Stefan de Konink" <skinkie@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Any further advice that you can provide is appreciated.
> iscsi://iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:0d1b01cb-6e24-64bb-e0f7-a5e798e79984
> Is what it was developed for. So I think you miss the //
The good news is that, using your suggestion (which doesn't match the
documentation, but whatever), I'm able to apparently get my iSCSI-as-root VBD
working on a SuSE test machine. (It doesn't boot, but that's because I need to
reconfigure for the SuSE bootloader rather than Redhat's pygrub. I at least get
kernel messages and a "can't mount root" message.)
I did have to make a change in the script which worries me: (in find_sdev())
#dev=`readlink $session/device/target*/*:0:*/block*`
dev=`basename $session/device/target*/*:0:*/block*/*`
It's not a link, so readlink wasn't returning anything. It *appears* to be
trying to get the local /dev/ name for the iSCSI mount which it created earlier
in the script... and making this change does get the thing moving, but there
may be something deeper amiss.
Unfortunately, I do not have the same luck on my stock Xen 3.2.1 install. I've
added some simple debugging and realized that block-iscsi doesn't seem to be
called at all and there are no lines written to /var/log/xen-hotplug.log when I
try and start my domain, though I do get lines there on my SuSE instance.
Is there some hotplug configuration that I need to adjust? Anywhere obvious I
should look to see why it wouldn't be being executed?
I'll keep digging at this. Thanks for helping me get this far.
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