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Re: [Xen-users] Windows 2000 DomU

To: "James Dingwall" <james.dingwall@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Antoine Benkemoun" <antoine@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Windows 2000 DomU
From: Fernando Jiménez Solano <fernandojs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 15:54:43 +0200
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I also had that problem. A workaround that fixed was repairing from the Windows 2000
CD, then it went all just fine.

On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 15:34:29 +0200, James Dingwall <james.dingwall@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am doing tests to convert old rotting servers into a big shiny new Xen
platform. I have been able to migrate a Windows 2003 server without a
scratch. I am trying to do the same thing with Windows 2000 Server but
things aren't so great...

I made an image from the disk that worked in a machine. Then I boot on
this image using Xen. Windows 2000 starts to boot up then give me a BSOD

Has anybody encountered this error before ?

Thank you in advance for your help,

Were you using an IDE disk on the original machine?  There is a problem
moving 2000/XP system disks between computers when the IDE devices are
different.  You can fix this by importing some additional registry keys
before moving the drive or taking the image:

Windows 2000: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822052/en-us
Windows XP: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314082

Alternatively I don't know if you can change the IDE device that Xen
will emulate to match the source hardware.


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