Re: [Xen-users] CPU Upgrade
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 3:06 AM, --[ UxBoD ]-- < uxbod@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am running Xen on two old Opterons at the moment but would like to upgrade my server so I can run more VMs.
Would you recommend that I go for Opterons again with AMD-V technology, or would the new AMD Phenoms be okay ? There appears to be a big price difference between the two.
The Phenoms and newer Opterons include Nested Page Table (NPT) support.
From my understanding the first round of Phenoms had a bad bug in them, which has since been fixed in the newer versions.
Cheers, Todd
Thanks in advance.
--[ UxBoD ]--
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-- Todd Deshane http://todddeshane.net check out our book: http://runningxen.com
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