Re: [Xen-users] Network problem with HVM Windows
2008/6/11 Maximilian Wilhelm <max@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
David Scammell scripsit:
> I wonder if you ever found out an answer to this problem? I'm seeing pretty
> much an identical situation, with windows 2003 SP2 64bit. Everything appears
> fine until an attempt to upload is made to the IIS server running in
> windows, then poof, no network any more.
> Problem is near the networking drivers, either in windows or in the HVM xen,
> I'm unsure which? I've attempted to load the GPLPV drivers however these are
> refusing to install but not yet looked to debug why they refuse.
> I have pae=1, acpi=1, apic=1, vcpus=4 otherwise our xen config files are
> very similar. This is under OracleVM (3.1.1) on AMD64.
I solved this problem by upgrading to Xen 3.2.
It seems there were some nice changes done in the qemu related code
and the network stuff was improved.
After the update, my customer and I feel much more comfortable with
this setup :)
Thank you very much for the quick response. I think my customer will feel the same way and I'm very relieved. This wouldn't be the first time a xen update made a windows box run better for me.
Thanks again.
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