Re: [Xen-users] Install Windows XP Pro with GPLV drivers.
I done a clean install of XP and drivers, and now they works fine.
Thanks for you work and your help
James Harper a écrit :
>> In french in the text :
>> "Windows ne peut charger le pilote de périphérique de ce matériel. Ce
>> pilote est peut être endommagé ou absent (Code 39)"
>> In bad translate :
>> "Windows can't load the drivers for this hardware. This drivers is
>> perhaps broken or busy (code 39)".
> That's what the others have reported, and I think I saw it once too.
>>> Can you just try doing an 'update drivers' and just reinstall the same
>>> driver again? Let me know how it turns out.
>> I 'update drivers' with the same drivers i have the 'code 10 error this
>> drivers can't boot'
> That is the error you would get if you _hadn't_ specified /gplpv and so
> xenhide had disabled them.
> James
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