RE: [Xen-users] XEN 3.2.0 CPU Usage
Yes that worked thanks!
Just the CPU consumption now. Does anyone have a list of bug fixes in 3.2.1 ?
may this has been addressed already
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephan Seitz [mailto:s.seitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 08 May 2008 10:40
To: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Ian Tobin
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] XEN 3.2.0 CPU Usage
this is a configuration issue.
just add e.g.
vfb = [ 'type=vnc,vnclisten=,vncunused=1']
to your domU config.
Ian Tobin schrieb:
> I would agree but no matter what i set it always wants to use 5900 ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexander Schreiber [mailto:als@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 07 May 2008 20:31
> To: Ian Tobin
> Cc: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] XEN 3.2.0 CPU Usage
> On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 03:55:07PM +0100, Ian Tobin wrote:
>> Ive noticed since upgrading to this release that the HVM guests are
>> using quite a high amount of CPU usage, does anyone know why?
>> Also the VNC only now listens on port 5900 where as before it used to
> be
>> on 59xx (xx being the DomU ID)
> No, xx wasn't DomU id - that was just a coincidence. Unless you
> explicitly configure a VNC port for the domU, Xen uses the next free
> port for the domU VNC port.
> Regards,
> Alex.
Stephan Seitz
Senior System Administrator
*netz-haut* e.K.
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