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Re: [Xen-users] Web tool for management xen DomainUs ?

To: Agustín López <Agustin.Lopez@xxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Web tool for management xen DomainUs ?
From: Age_M <Age_M@xxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 04 May 2008 21:56:17 +0200
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Hello Agustin,

Agustín López wrote:
I like to allow to several DomainUs admins to admin his virtual servers with a web
interface, without contact with Domain0. This tool must be opensource,
and allow shutdown, reboot and see the logs with a web user / pw.
Perhaps too the memory, CPU, ,,, of the virtual server.
the only webmanagement software for xen I know, is Enomalism [1]. There is an older version 0.7.2 which I've never tried myself and a new version 2 which is an Alpha release. I haven't figured out how to fully work it yet, but it looks promising
Greetz Age_M

[1] http://www.enomalism.com

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