Re: [Xen-users] Bridging problems
Drak wrote on Sun, 04 May 2008 09:25:38 +0545:
> So my basic question is wy is Xend creating this duff veth0 interface
> and then clearing it on a xend restart?
RHEL5 uses an older version of Xen networking that isn't used in that form
anymore. I'm not sure, but I think you may have hit a bug in the network-
bridge script that I encountered some weeks ago. Basically it depends on a
gateway output from ip route list like this "default via <IP> dev eth0".
If the machine has several IP addresses from different subnets and
gateways for *all* of them are not explicitely set this line looks a bit
different and the network-bridge script fails (silently). If the Dom0
network gets stopped and restarted by network-bridge then it works for a
reason I have already forgotten.
You can either change the script or update to Xen 3.2 where this script
(and other stuff) changed completely.
Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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