Re: [Xen-users] creating domU's consumes 100% of system resources
Great, that really helped. And I think I also found the main problem.. Write caching was off on my raid controller from the last time it was rebuilt.. Of course turning this on made all the difference.
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 6:34 PM, jim burns < jim_burn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sunday April 20 2008 03:42:47 pm n8&abby wrote:
> I tried 'xm vcpu-set 0 1' to take the dom0 down to one virtual cpu.. but
> this didn't seem to have any affect.
You are setting the number of vcpus, but they are still allowed to raom
between al available pcpus. Try xm vcpu-pin.
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