Re: [Xen-users] Changing MTU of vif
Phillip Bennett wrote:
I see your problem. I had the impression you were exporting the
hardware to the DomU. (I guess that's what I am going to do, I just
assumed) I guess actually finding the interface you need would be a lot
harder.. I haven't had to do this, so can't offer anything useful.
Actually, it shouldn't be hard at all if I could just get my trivial
change to vif-bridge to work:
case "$command" in
setup_bridge_port "$vif"
add_to_bridge "$bridge" "$vif"
if [ ${bridge} = "stbr0" ]; then
ip link set ${dev} mtu 9000
That should set the mtu on the vif being connected to my SAN bridge when
the domain is created. But for some reason this seems to hang.
That sounds like a sweet setup! Do you think it's faster than the
Coraid units then? How is it pricewise? (I'm guessing it's a LOT
I don't know if it is any faster since I use nearly identical hardware:
Same mobo, chassis, cpu, etc. Main different is the RAID controller. It
is quite a bit cheaper. But the main reason I like it is that it runs
Linux so I can use Linux's LVM to slice the disk however I want. Coraids
volume management is a bit crude.
Fair enough. I'd say I'm faily experienced... Hopefully enough to get
it up and running satisfactorily. :)
Cool. Keep an eye on xenaoe.org as I am writing up a detailed howto and
will be opening up all of my code in svn soon. Yesterday I added a HOWTO
build your own zero single point of failure cluster which so far
includes a parts/price list.
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