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Re: [Xen-users] Time is off by an hour in my XEN vm

To: Age_M <Age_M@xxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Time is off by an hour in my XEN vm
From: Frank Groeneveld <frankgroeneveld@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:27:00 +0100
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Yes, that will probably work, but it used to work without such tricks. I'm sure it's just a setting in my VM or something like that.

Op 13 mrt 2008, om 14:21 heeft Age_M het volgende geschreven:

Hello Frank,

in my HVM WinXP domU config file ( /etc/xen/winxp) I use:


Maybe this does the trick for you too.

Greetz Holger

Frank Groeneveld wrote:

I'm hiring a XEN virtual machine running Ubuntu at a hosting company. My XEN virtual machine is hosted on a server which has some other VM's running on it. They all use ubuntu or debian. After a crash sometime last week, the systemclock of my VM is off by an hour (it says 19:49, although it's 18:49 here now). The other VM's don't have this problem, and according to the admin of the server, the server clock is running correctly and my XEN config is correct also (it's not set to locatime or anything).
I checked everything. Timezone is correct (in /etc/timezone), the  
localtime symlink is correct (/etc/localtime). UTC=yes in /etc/ 
defaults/rcS, although changing it to no doesn't make a difference.
The admin of the server fixed it temporally by running:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock
And setting the date/time manually. Every hour the time is now set through ntpdate.
Does anybody know what's wrong with the vm? How can I fix this?

Frank Groeneveld

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