[Xen-users] virt-install hangs on disk format
I have to set up a couple of Virtuall machines for our company,
each VM should have 10GB Space and a loopdevie as swapfile,
I will add this swapfile later when I installed the System to the VM file.
When I start the installation it runs smooth until the disk format,
than it stops at 98% and takes half an hour to proceed.
Why takes it that long?
We run the VM´s under a dual quadcore Intel CPU System with 8GB Ram
I use the following script to install the VM´s, can I add the swap
image from the start here?
virt-install \
--name=vm1 \
--ram=1000 \
--file=/VM/vm1.img \
--file-size=10 \
--os-variant=centos5 \
--nographics \
--location http://wftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/centos/5.1/os/x86_64/ \
-x "ip= netmask= dns= gateway="
What would be the best method to to a clone of the machines, dd or just cp?
I found different approaches, but dont think there can anything different?
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