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Re: [Xen-users] Xen 3.2 & CentOS

To: Vinod Kumar <s.vinod79@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Xen 3.2 & CentOS
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 01:48:12 +0000
Cc: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Vinod Kumar wrote:
On 2/27/08, *Nico Kadel-Garcia* <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx 
<mailto:nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    John Morris wrote:
    > Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
    >> Can't you install rhe Xensource.com <http://Xensource.com>
    RPM's as upgrades to the
    >> Centos/RHEL RPM's? I've certainly done so with CentOS and RHEL, 4.x
    >> and 5.x. There are some subtle differences between them, and I
    >> haven't tried the 3.2 RPM's myself.
    > Can you point me to those?  The xen.org <http://xen.org> RPMs at
    > http://xen.org/download/dl_32rhel5.html don't include 64-bit
    > and going to xensource.com <http://xensource.com>, I get lost in
    a maze of marketing.
    >    John
    Looks like you need to recompile from the SRPM. Do you have a 64-bit
    system to do it on?

I was looking for xen 3.2 64bit for the similar reason (32 bit domU crashes on 64bit dom0).I tried to build the source rpm of xen 3.2 (downloaded from http://bits.xensource.com/oss-xen/release/3.2.0/centos-5.1/xen-3.2.0-0xs.centos5.src.rpm) using rpmbuild on a CentOS 5.1(x86_64), and I got the below error: RPM build errors:
    Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:
Please let me know the changes required for building the src.rpm on 64 bit system? I was curious to know about the existing installation and I found that the package xen-3.0.3-41.el5-x86_64, installs all the binaries and libs in /usr/lib64/xen, but puts the hvmloader in /usr/lib/xen! Thanks,
Huh. Interesting. RedHat's SRPM's are a bit more sophisticated than those for Xensource, traditionally, so I'm not shocked you found a discrepancy building it for x86_64. Perhaps you can review the differences in the .spec files and see how RedHat did it?
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