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Re: [Xen-users] Creating an fc8 2.6.23 domu

To: jim burns <jim_burn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Creating an fc8 2.6.23 domu
From: Stephan Seitz <s.seitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 14:36:21 +0100
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I'm currently trying the same.

Mark wrote a small howto

I've not reached the end of the howto, so I don't know if this
leads to a working kernel, but maybe it's helpful.

jim burns schrieb:
Maybe Sadique can field this one.

I don't have the blkfront (xenblk.ko) or netfront (xennet.ko) modules (or any of the kernel/drivers/xen tree). I go into 'make xconfig' -> Processor type and features', and check 'Enable support for Xen hypervisor'. (Everything else in 'Paravirtualization support (EXPERIMENTAL}' was already checked.) This automatically checks 4 more options for xen and hvm. I rebuild the .src.rpm (I've tried and Rpmbuild complains that it could not find the xennet module, continuing anyway, presumably at the mkinitrd step. When I try to load this kernel as a domu, I get invalid kernel type, whether I load it with the kernel/ramdisk= parms in the domu config, or select it in the domu's grub menu.
[661] > egrep XEN\|HVM /boot/config-2.6.23*
[662] > xm create fc8 -c
Using config file "/etc/xen/fc8".
VNC= 1
Error: (2, 'Invalid kernel', 'xc_dom_find_loader: no loader found\n')
zsh: exit 1     xm create fc8 -c

What else do I need to do to get a bootable 2.6.23 domu on fc8? Thanx.

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Stephan Seitz
Senior System Administrator

*netz-haut* e.K.
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