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[Xen-users] Re: xen-3.0.4 networking problem after migration

To: Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Re: xen-3.0.4 networking problem after migration
From: Weikuan Yu <weikuan.yu@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 00:30:54 -0500
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I reply to my post earlier. It was a problem on the configuration file. It appears that, when not using dhcp, live migration with static mac address would cause a problem to IP in migrated domU.

Weikuan Yu wrote:

I am facing an networking problem for xen migration. I used to have it working fine. But as I worked with several trees, I lost track on the correct configuration I should have.
The problem is as this, with xen-3.0.4 on CentOS-4.4. I can install xen, 
start xend, and create domU, all fine.
# xend start (on both nodes)
# ssh node02 xend start

Then create a domU on node01
# xm create -c cvm.01

At this point, I can ping this domU from many different nodes in the subnet. Then, I migrate it to node02
# xm migrate cvm.01 -l node02

Right after the migration, I can no long ping the domU. This domU now can only be ping'ed from the new host, node02. Interestingly, if I migrate the same domU back to node01. Pinging works fine again from many different nodes.
Anybody has seen this before? I know xen-3.0.4 is old by now. But want 
to avoid a new installation if possible.
Can somebody offer a hint? Any help is appreciated.

-- Weikuan

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