Re: [Xen-devel] windows pv drivers released at www.halsign.com
On Sat, 2008-02-16 at 03:50 +0100, Stefan de Konink wrote:
> z en schreef:
> > This startup released the package of some windows pv drivers and service.
> > I had tried on my rhel5.x, the experience of windows hvm is good.
> I hope that James checks this binaries for possible 'use'.
I took a look and I don't think they cribbed anything from the gplpv
But did the world really need *another* closed-source set of winpv
drivers? By my count this is #4. Maybe things looked different back in
August when they started when they could perhaps undercut the other
vendors on price, but the gplpv drivers are maturing rapidly and are
I'd like to renew my call to Halsign as well as the other vendors to
give up on these drivers as "value-add" and pitch in improving gplpv. We
can all then get on with writing something NEW.
Regards -- Andy
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