Re: [Xen-users] Domain stays in status "---s--" forever after shutdown,
On Monday 11 February 2008 03:35:11 am Dominik Klein wrote:
> Here's what I see if I shutdown the domain from a console:
> debian dktestvmxen:~# halt
> Broadcast message from root@dktestvmxen (tty1) (Mon Feb 11 08:32:34 2008):
> The system is going down for system halt NOW!
I usually do a shutdown from within a desktop, which does the right thing. If
you think about it, telling it to 'halt' is telling it to just sit there & do
nothing, not exit. I don't know if xen converts a 'halt' to an 'on_poweroff'
action. Does 'shutdown -hP now' work for you?
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