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[Xen-users] [Fwd: craig@xxxxxxxxxxx: Please confirm your message to me]

To: xen-users <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-users] [Fwd: craig@xxxxxxxxxxx: Please confirm your message to me]
From: Sadique Puthen <sputhenp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 12:47:52 +0530
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To: sputhenp@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: craig@xxxxxxxxxxx: Please confirm your message to me
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Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 01:47:16 -0500 (EST)
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--- Begin Message ---
To: xenlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] question on migrating disk from current server to HVM
From: Sadique Puthen <sputhenp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 12:17:02 +0530
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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xenlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm trying to decide the best way to migrate the contents of a disk on a live server to a hardware virtual machine under Xen.
The live server has an 83G disk with three partitions:

    100M     /boot with ext2
    2G     swap
    81G    / with ext3

On the Xen server, I have a hardware RAID storage with LVM2 running. I have created a logical volume for the new HVM.
Here's the question:  Is there any way to copy the disk contents 
and/or structure from the live server to the logical volume without 
having to boot an OS and format the logical volume first?
I've run a sample dd command on /dev/hda on the live server, piping it 
through gzip to a spare disk.  It compresses down to about 8G.  I'm 
just not sure what to do with it now that I have it.  Can I simply 
uncompress, pipe through dd and send it to the device for the logical 
Just dd if=<uncompressed file> of=/dev/mapper/logical-volume  would work?


Any good examples out there for this?



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