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Re: [Xen-users] Getting hostname of DomainU from domain0

To: trilok nuwal <tc.nuwal@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Getting hostname of DomainU from domain0
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 22:59:31 +0000
Cc: Nalini Vidapankal <nvidapan@xxxxxxxxxx>, xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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trilok nuwal wrote:

Could you mount root file system of the guest domain ? If yes then you could mount and can see the /et/hosts file to know the host name, but it should be there.
Else if you know the ip address of the domain, then could ssh and see 
the hostname  by running hostname command on domU via ssh.
Else you have to see the console of domU and see the ip and hostname 
via console of domU.
No, you can't. You will only see what the installer assigned there, if anything. The hostname is usually actually set in a configuration file read at boot time, /etc/sysconfig/network on RHEL and Fedora and many other Linuxes, or /etc/hostname on old BSD releases, etc., etc., etc. And for some setups, it is assigned by a DNS lookup from DHCP configurations at boot-time, and it can even be set in a dynamic DNS setup in /etc/dhclient-eth0
/etc/hosts is where a hostname may be *RECORDED* by many installers, but 
it's not where it is set. I've previously spent a long time divorcing 
people from publishing all their internal DNS information via 
/etc/hosts, which is very fragile and can be overridden by local dynamic 
DNS setups common to Active Directory environments.
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