Re: [Xen-users] cannot ping after xen install
Zoran Kikic schrieb:
I installed 3.2 on a Ubuntu gutsy (7.10 / AMD64) server and everything
looks fine. Xen booting up without errors or warnings but ping fails
when I try to ping a machine in my network. 8 pings are OK but the ninth
hangs for about 3000ms, the next 8 or 10 pings are normal and so on..
The dom0 itself is in that time not pingable from network. Well, that's
not all... I just have to wait long enough (about 10 min.) and sometimes
a miracle happen and everything works...
Hello !
I've had exactly the same issue (also 8! pings). Has your hardware
modern e1000 based network interfaces ?
I think the e1000 driver (Version 7.1.9-k4-NAPI) included in XEN's
kernel has problems with some of the later Chipsets. I compile
the driver (for me Version 7.4.35-NAPI) externally and copy it into the
lib/modules... tree.
That solved my problem.
Ralf Schenk
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