[Xen-users] Re: [Xen-devel] Re: domUloader Vs pygrub
Thanks for the interesting background info.
Would you know bit more about the domUloader not being
able to mount unpartitioned disk ? If there is a patch
available for SLES 10 SP1 ?
I will definitely check out the vm-install and see if
that can be used.
--- Jim Fehlig <jfehlig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> jd wrote:
> > fwding to xendevel for comments.
> >
> Removing xen-devel as xen-users is more appropriate.
> However I don't
> monitor xen-users so please cc if further enqueries.
> > Basically, I have some vm_templates with pygrub
> that
> > work, but with domUloader for each image, one has
> to
> > find out the kernel/ramdisk from domU and provide
> this
> > in the vm config file.
> >
> > What is a good way to do this ?
> >
> 1. Edit bootargs entry in domU config, providing
> kernel/ramdisk. If you
> don't know the paths, use lomount to mount the image
> and poke around.
> 2. Use vm-install and select "I have a disk or disk
> image with an
> installed operating system" and let it create the
> config for you.
> > (scanning disks, partitions, mounting them, and
> then
> > search for kernel. .. isnt this what the loader is
> > supposed to do ?)
> >
> Yes :-). I would like to start using pygrub in
> SLES11. I was not with
> the project when domUloader was born but I think it
> was originally
> written to support Netware - which does not have
> grub. At the time,
> I've heard there were many problems getting pygrub
> to work on
> libreiserfs (reiser is default filesystem in SLES10)
> so domUloader was
> used for grub-based systems as well. If the default
> fs becomes ext3 (or
> something other than reiser) in SLES11 then that
> will be a great
> opportunity to switch to pygrup and reserve
> domUloader for reiser-based
> domU's, Netware, and other 'grubless' systems.
> Cheers,
> Jim
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