I have a DomU with a PCI card assigned to it (Digium 4-port
analog voice card) running on Xen 3.1.0 + Linux 2.6.18 (Dom0 & DomU use the
same kernel). No special patches or modifications.
I’ve noticed on one particular class of machine that either
the board’s drivers, Xen, or maybe the machine don’t cope well with
regular shutdowns or domain destroys unless the card’s drivers are
unloaded first. Most of the devices on the PCI bus (hard drives, network card,
etc…) go AWOL and we have to hard reboot the machine. In the
shutdown case, the Digium driver (wctdm.c), will complain “TDM PCI Master
abort”. On the physical machine console, all cases lead to a long
procession of:
lost interrupt
dma_timer_expiry : dma status == 0x24
DMA interrupt recovery
I can still type on the console, but as soon as I do
something that, presumably, needs hda, it will continue to echo characters but otherwise
won’t respond.
Every once in a blue moon the machine will miraculously
recover itself after a few minutes.
I have another machine with a different motherboard/CPU that
doesn’t mind at all when I shutdown/destroy domains. It has the same PCI
board and version of software as the machine that doesn’t work.
Any ideas?