RE: [Xen-users] XenCenter only for Windows???
> I am not sure if I see correctly? XenCenter is only for windows? On
> platform?
> Why all open source software ends in windows??? Its a shame.
> I would like to know, why someone make such decisions. Xen is slowly
> becoming commercial windows program and all linux admins will end up
> with windows workstations to be able to manage Xen Enterprise product.
> Is there any way, how to manage it from Linux. This is Linux product.
> This really upsets me!
.Net is (IMHO) a very powerful and easy to use platform. It is also
available for Linux, so unless XenCenter does something incompatible, it
might work under Linux.
Mono is the name of the .Net environment for Linux... I'm not sure what
version comes bundled with what distribution, but as a starting point
you could just install whatever packages your distribution provides and
give XenCenter a go.
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