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Re: [Xen-users] IP-Address for DomUs via configuration script possible?

To: Alexandros Manakos <alexandros@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] IP-Address for DomUs via configuration script possible?
From: Marc Patino Gómez <mpatino@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 15:57:17 +0100
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I would try to put a MAC address in domU config file (XEN has his own MAC range),
vif = [ 'type=ioemu, mac=00:16:3e:00:00:11, bridge=xenbr0']

and configure your DHCP server to assign a known IP address to this MAC. For example:
host Windoze1{
   hardware ethernet 00:16:3e:00:00:11;



Alexandros Manakos wrote:
Hello everybody.

I got the following problem:
I want to assign the ip-adresses for my domUs dynamically. I mean that i
can assign them while creating them so that i dont have to login to the
virtual machine to assign it. I dont have any Dhcp option because then i
wouldnt know how to connect to the DomUs (which ip to use to connect to
them). I solved this problem with xen-tools and debian but i need a
solution for Windows XP and Vista. The sytems are running but i tried to
configure via the configurescript (windows-xp.hvm and vista.hvm) with:
vif=['ip='] but i couldnt connect to the virtual machine.
The DomU (winxp) was configured to get its ip from dhcp cause i need to
clone every machine via cp and so i can not assign the machine (in the
image) a static ip...

I thought that it could be possible to assign via the configuration
script to assign a domu an ip and the domU gets this from xen when it
tries to get a dhcp offer...

any suggestions?


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