Re: [Xen-users] Xen network freeze
Quoting Erwan MAS <erwan@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello ,
I have a configuration with xen with 2 domu .
One domu have a nfs server , Other have a ftp server .
When i try to write a big file to the nfs server
( so i generate a big traffic , on network and on disk )
dom0 and domU's become inaccessible via network .
I have the same problem , via ftp when i put a big file .
On the console , i must make ifconfig pethX down/up to restore the network .
I'am using xen-3.0.3-0-4 on debian - etch .
I've noticed something simliar with SLES 10 SP1. After a few hours,
I'd loose total network connectivity unless I stood at the console and
pinged something. I updated my e1000 driver from sourceforge and
haven't seen the issue since.
What server platform are you using - specifically your nic (lspci)
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