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[Xen-users] Disk performance on HVM domains

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Disk performance on HVM domains
From: Marc Patino Gómez <mpatino@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 13:48:41 +0200
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Hi list,

I converted one old FreeBSD 4.9 box to HVM domU (with AMD-V processors, with Intel-VT doesn't work). All works fine, but disk performance is too poor... about 8MB/s (in dom0 i get about 40MB/s). I did some test with VBD with file backed and LVM but performance stills poor.
Any advices?

Is possible to use blktap in this case? Any pointers?

If I use a SAN, network performance on HVM will be a problem?

What's about tgt?

I have one HVM old linux 2.4 domU and I can get far more disk troughtput than with FreeBSD, it is normal? In this case, domU is on Intel-VT Xen server, is Intel-VT io implementation better than AMD?
At now, I'm only testing, in the future I will need to virtualize some 
old FreeBSD servers with quite great IO demand
Many thanks,


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