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[Xen-users] slow network when interface receiving in xen 3.0.3

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] slow network when interface receiving in xen 3.0.3
From: Miguel Araujo <maraujo@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:05:35 +0200
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Hello all,

I'm using Xen 3.0.3 in a production server. I'm not keen on moving to xen 3.1 till soon future. The problem is that network goes slower than it should. Let me explain the symptoms.
dom0 --> Network      Good!
domU --> Network      Good!
Network --> dom0       Bad!
Network --> domU      Bad!

So when I receive packets it goes 50K/s in a Gigabit connection, but everything goes well when sending. I have being doing some research about this issue in the list and just found problems related to tx checksumming. And I tested it with tcpdump and I don't have any bad checksumming.
Is anyone having network problems like this? is there any bug reported 
related to this? any clue? Thanks a lot in advanced.


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