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Re: [Xen-users] bsd disklabel & lvm

To: Florian Heigl <florian.heigl@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] bsd disklabel & lvm
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 22:25:02 +0100
Cc: Dylan Martin <dmartin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Xen list <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Florian Heigl wrote:
2007/7/20, Dylan Martin <dmartin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Okay, here's another question that no one will be able to answer.

I have an OpenBSD HVM domU, and I wanted to mount its filesystem in
my Linux dom0.  The domU's disk lives on a logical volume.  Kpartx
does detect that partition 4 contains the disklabel, but that's as far
as I get.

I think my fedora kernel just doesn't support disklabels...

Anyone know how this is supposed to work?
check /boot/config-<yourfc6kernel> for CONFIG_BSD_DISKLABEL=X
as far as I know RHEL5 has it neither as module nor in-kernel and Fedora
has it as a module, so it's simply kldload, reading the mount error
messages and
off you go.

For the other posters...
the disk label defines slices, not partitions. those ain't extended
partitions either.
this is a different scheme than msdos's, a bit less stupid in it's design.
I don't have access to an SRPM or RPM capable box at this moment, but you might check out the centosplus kernels: they tend to track the RHEL kernels but turn on features like NTFS and possible this disklabel feature.
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