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Re: [Xen-users] 2.6.22 / Paravirt_ops help

To: Mark Williamson <mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] 2.6.22 / Paravirt_ops help
From: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <jeremy@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 14:06:39 -0700
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, David Cummings <real.psyence@xxxxxxxxx>
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Mark Williamson wrote:
    Wondering if anyone is using 2.6.22 kernels yet, I noticed a post
from a little while ago, never got answered. I'm trying to use Xen
3.1.0 with a 2.6.22-rc6-mm1 kernel to no avail. Xen quits with "not a
valid elf image". The kernel itself boots fine without xen. Since
these patches are being upstreamed, this should work, no? Any
pointers, info, help much appreciated.
I'd guess that there's some kind of patch to the domain builder necessary that 
you don't have.
Jeremy might have a more specific idea, so I've cc-ed him.
Actually, you can just use the plain "vmlinux" file (stripped and 
gzipped if you want) as the kernel, and Xen should happily boot it.  The 
patches I have are to support bzImage files, but it requires changes to 
both the kernel and the domain builder, neither of which is finalized yet.

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