Re: [Xen-users] Xen, Heartbeat2 and live migration
Yann Cezard a écrit :
This question perhaps should be better posted on linux-ha but...
it seems that Suse 10 SP1 allows to migrate Xen VMs between Heartbeat
nodes using live migration, where other distros just stop them on a node
and start them on another node.
Does anybody succeeded in doing the same thing with another GNU/Linux
distribution ?
I'm really interested in finding such a feature.
Thanks for any clue.
Ok, I will answer to myself, in case someone else could be interested in
such a feature :
Using the Heartbeat-2 2.1 devel version, live migration is possible.
To enable live migration :
crm_resource -r your_domU_resource --meta -p allow_migrate -v true
And then to migrate :
crm_resource -M -r your_domU_resource -H your_destination_node
Hope this will help someone else.
Yann Cezard
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