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Re: [Xen-users] install debian lenny guest

To: "Petersson, Mats" <Mats.Petersson@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] install debian lenny guest
From: ko0nz <yesiko0nz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 14:37:45 +0200
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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hi Mats,

so how about installing Linux guest(Debian here) in a Ubuntu host,
without the hvm method?

> i'm using ubuntu edge 6.10.
> i'd like to test the debian lenny guest with the partition:
> /dev/sdb5    /
> /dev/sda8    swap
> /dev/scd0    cdrom
> lenny.iso      /home/iso/lenny.iso
> i succeded running edge-guest, windows-guest, but i can't with debian
> here's my config:
> 2.6.17-6-generic-xen0
> xen-hypervisor-3.0-i386
> and
> kernel = "/boot/xen0-linux-2.6.17-6-generic-xen0"
> ramdisk = "/boot/xen0-linux-2.6.17-6-generic-xen0.initrd.img"
> builder='linux'
> memory = 512
> name = "lenny"
> vcpus = 1
> vif = [ 'bridge=xenbr0' ]
> disk = [
> 'phy:/dev/sdb5,sdb1,w','phy:/dev/sda8,sdb2,w','file:/home/iso/
> lenny.iso,scd0:cdrom,r'
> ]
> root = "/dev/sdb1 ro"
> sdl=1
> vnc=0
> vncviewer=0
> boot='d'
> after 2mn, i have this error:
> Error: Device 2066 (vbd) could not be connected. Hotplug
> scripts not working.

There's probably more info in "/var/log/xen/xend.log", but I suspect the
whole problem is that you're trying to boot a Linux (para-virtual)
domain from "cdrom", which isn't supported at all (because the
Linux-builder doesn't run a BIOS, which is how the CDROM-boot normally
works - instead, it just loads the kernel and initrd into memory and
sets the VCPU registers to some values that makes it possible to run the
Linux kernel from there).

I'm not sure, but I don't think ":cdrom" is a valid addition on a PV

[It will probably work if you use a "hvmbuilder" form, e.g
kernel="hvmloader" and builder="hvm" instead of the kernel/linux
settings that you use now. And you'd have to give "whole disks" to HVM,
as it doesn't support partitions. [And it won't make a PV domain, of
course - it may be possible to convert it after install, but possibly a
messy business].

> something wrong about the config!
> thank in advance.
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