Re: [Xen-users] 8th DomU can ping bridge but not internet
2007/5/27, Igor Chubin <igor@xxxxxxx>:
On Sa, Mai 26, 2007 at 03:42:23 +0200, Peter Braun wrote:
> Hi,
> there is gentoo based dom0 with Xen 3.0.4-p1 and some PV guests with
> various linux distros.
> We are using bridged networking with one eth0.
> We have 15 IP adresses with netmask
> All IPs are using same gateway.
> Up to now we were adding domU based on our needs w/o problems.
> Yesterday we wanted to add new Debian based domU but its networking
> doesnt work properly.
> This 8th domU comes up ... than we realized that its not possible to
> ping/ssh 8th from outside world. Ping/ssh from dom0 to 8th domU works.
> On the other side ping/ssh to other domUs and dom0.
Hello, Peter!
I have faced similar problem.
Try to change MAC-address in 8th domU.
That solved the problem for me.
am specyfiing MAC for every DomU. So based on your recommendation I
changed vif for 8th DomU to vif=[ 'ip=x.x.x.x' ] only - without
specifying MAC - situation hasnt changed.
Still not able to create new domU with internet access.
Any other idea?
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