Re: [Xen-users] Timer ISR: Timer went backwards [NetBSD 3.1 / Xen 2.0.7]
Hello Miguel,
I think I have the same or a similar problem:
My kernel clocks (Dom0 and DomU) are a bit too slow (about 10%: a
clock-minute takes about 66 real seconds). But my Kernel (suse 10.2)
does not tell me something like "Time went backwards" - but my lirc
daemon does...
Just like you described, this doesn't happen constantly: Somethimes it
is ok, sometimes its worse.
I "solved" this problem with a cron-entry "-* * * * * ntpdate
ptbtime1.ptb.de >/dev/null".
This helps but really isn't nice and I am waiting for the day where this
is not ok...
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