Re: [Xen-users] Howto debug initrd image?
On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 05:55:12PM +0200, Petersson, Mats wrote:
> > Is it possible to debug initrd scripts during the boot process?
You can manually extract an initrd, put binaries in there (either
statically linked or als stuffing the libraries they need in), and
i.e. run a shell out of initrd for debugging. Then a new initrd can
be created and booted. However, i dont think you need to do that.
> > Or, what the hell is wrong with my setup?
I guess some driver is missing in your initrd, filesystem or raid-
driver or the like.
Your mkinitrd probably supports an option to stuff extra modules into
the initrd, you provide the name.
With your running system you could execute an 'lsmod' and even try
to stuff all of those modules into the initrd - probably only the
controller-driver or filesystem are missing..
By comparing the output as Mats suggests you will probably also notice
a difference of one or more modules not beeing loaded from the initrd
that causes problems.
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