Hi all,
I've modified a network traffic monitoring tool to monitor for each
virtual machine instead of the physical interface.
Here I attach the script.
You only have to add this perl script to cron:
*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/xen_traffic.pl >/dev/null
It allows some customization by modifyng the source code:
# define location of rrdtool databases
my $rrd = '/var/lib/xenrrd';
# define location of web page
my $img = '/var/www/html/xenrrdtool';
# original copyright Martin Pot 2003
# http://martybugs.net/linux/rrdtool/traffic.cgi
# Modified by Jordi Prats Catala (CESCA) - 2007/04/26
# xen_traffic.pl
use RRDs;
# define location of rrdtool databases
my $rrd = '/var/stats/xennet';
# define location of images
my $img = '/var/stats/xennet/web';
# process data for each interface (add/delete as required)
open(INDEXHTML, "> $img/index.html");
print INDEXHTML "<html>\n";
print INDEXHTML "<head>\n";
print INDEXHTML "<title>Traffic statistics</title>\n";
print INDEXHTML "</head>\n";
print INDEXHTML "<body>\n";
print INDEXHTML "<h1>Traffic statistics</h1>\n";
print INDEXHTML "<ul>\n";
open(XENLIST, '/usr/sbin/xm list |');
my $dropfirstline=<XENLIST>;
#print $line;
print INDEXHTML "<li><a
&ProcessInterface($interface, $elements[0]);
close XENLIST;
print INDEXHTML "<li><a href='eth0.html'>eth0</a></li>\n";
&ProcessInterface("eth0", "eth0");
print INDEXHTML "<li><a href='eth1.html'>eth1</a></li>\n";
&ProcessInterface("eth1", "eth1");
print INDEXHTML "<ul>\n";
print INDEXHTML "</body>\n";
print INDEXHTML "</html>\n";
sub ProcessInterface
# process interface
# inputs: $_[0]: interface name (ie, eth0/eth1/eth2/ppp0)
# $_[1]: interface description
# get network interface info
my $in = `/sbin/ifconfig $_[0] |/bin/grep bytes|/bin/cut -d":" -f2|/bin/cut
-d" " -f1`;
my $out = `/sbin/ifconfig $_[0] |/bin/grep bytes|/bin/cut -d":"
-f3|/bin/cut -d" " -f1`;
# remove eol chars
print "$_[0] traffic in, out: $in, $out\n";
# if rrdtool database doesn't exist, create it
if (! -e "$rrd/$description.rrd")
print "creating rrd database for $description interface...\n";
RRDs::create "$rrd/$description.rrd",
"-s 300",
# insert values into rrd
RRDs::update "$rrd/$description.rrd",
"-t", "in:out",
# create traffic graphs
&CreateGraph($_[0], "daily", $_[1]);
&CreateGraph($_[0], "weekly", $_[1]);
&CreateGraph($_[0], "monthly", $_[1]);
&CreateGraph($_[0], "yearly", $_[1]);
sub CreateGraph
# creates graph
# inputs: $_[0]: interface name (ie, eth0/eth1/eth2/ppp0)
# $_[1]: interval (ie, day, week, month, year)
# $_[2]: interface description
if($_[1]=~/dayly/) { $interval="day" }
if($_[1]=~/weekly/) { $interval="week" }
if($_[1]=~/monthly/) { $interval="month" }
if($_[1]=~/yearly/) { $interval="year" }
RRDs::graph "$img/$description-$_[1].png",
"-s -1$interval",
"-t trafic de $_[2] $_[1]",
"-h", "80", "-w", "600",
"-l 0",
"-a", "PNG",
"-v bytes/sec",
"GPRINT:in:MAX: Max\\: %5.1lf %s",
"GPRINT:in:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %5.1lf %S",
"GPRINT:in:LAST: Current\\: %5.1lf %Sbytes/sec\\n",
"GPRINT:out:MAX: Max\\: %5.1lf %S",
"GPRINT:out:AVERAGE: Avg\\: %5.1lf %S",
"GPRINT:out:LAST: Current\\: %5.1lf %Sbytes/sec",
if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print "$0: unable to generate $_[0] $_[1]
traffic graph: $ERROR\n"; }
sub CreateHTMLPage
open(HTMLPAGE,"> $img/$description.html");
print HTMLPAGE "<html>\n";
print HTMLPAGE "<head>\n";
print HTMLPAGE "<title>".$description."</title>\n";
print HTMLPAGE '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="420">';
print HTMLPAGE "</head>\n";
print HTMLPAGE "<body>\n";
print HTMLPAGE "<center>\n";
print HTMLPAGE "<h1>Traffic statistics - ".$description."</h1>";
print HTMLPAGE "<img src='".$description."-diari.png'><br>";
print HTMLPAGE "<img src='".$description."-setmanal.png'><br>";
print HTMLPAGE "<img src='".$description."-mensual.png'><br>";
print HTMLPAGE "<img src='".$description."-anual.png'><br>";
print HTMLPAGE "</center>\n";
print HTMLPAGE "</body>\n";
print HTMLPAGE "</html>\n";
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