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Re: [Xen-users] PROBLEM WITH DELL POWEREDGE 2950 & BroadcomNetXtreme

To: "Pedro Oriani" <sgunfio@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] PROBLEM WITH DELL POWEREDGE 2950 & BroadcomNetXtreme
From: "Alessandro R." <lord2y@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 18:40:54 +0200
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, giuseppe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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2007/4/22, Pedro Oriani <sgunfio@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
The procedure for my server:

1- make something bootable for dos (floppy, usb dongle, cd - )
2- download the dos utility to disable IPMI management firmware
   (i download from dell, but may be better get if from broadcomm.
    it's a bootable cd image:
3- boot from in dos

4.A a:\uxdiag -c 1 -mfw 0 -t abcd
4.B. a:\uxdiag -c 2 -mfw 0 -t abcd

5- reboot

6.A uxdiag -c 1 -mfw 0
6.B uxdiag -c 2 -mfw 0

7 reboot

8 enjoy your xen

I think you have to do the same, without step - 4.B and 6.B

After this procedure can you run HVM with working network?

Alessandro R.

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