Re: [Xen-users] Xen on CentOS opinions
write something in tcl/tk. Very rasy language to learn for me [tm].
Great for prototyping.
On 20/04/07, Jonathon Jones <xen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thus far I do everything from the command line. I want to get a GUI of
some sort for remote management but can't decide on what is my best option
and I don't want to dirty up my dom0 experimenting.
Please make recommendations as you see fit.
Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
Jonathon Jones wrote:
I've been using xen on Centos for months in a production environment. If
your hardware is good, then current versions of Xen are very stable.
Are you using anything for remote domain management? I've been checking out
virt-manager for CentOS 5, but ye ghods, it acts like a pretty interface
written by a complete newb. No ability to detect and load turned off
domains, no ability to list available partitions or create them, no ability
to pre-set your vifnames or MAC addresses or other features, etc. etc., etc.
Not a very good tool. I'm hoping to find something better, but the ones
I've seen recommended took higher versions of graphic and python and other
toolkits than CentOS 4 had when I was looking last.
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