RE: [Xen-users] Error installing Xen on Xen 64 bit 2-CPU Intel-Xeon unde
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> Kevin Wells
> Sent: 13 April 2007 16:44
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Xen-users] Error installing Xen on Xen 64 bit 2-CPU
> Intel-Xeon under SLED 10
> Hi,
> new to Xen, we want to try it out on one of our workstations.
> The installation runs ok using the tarball
> xen- and running the provided install.sh.
> However we are unable to create the xen initrd ramdisk image.
> We get the following:
> asfde-ht5wn2j:/software/sources/xen/dist64bit/dist # ./install.sh
> Installing Xen from './install' to '/'...
> - installing for udev-based system
> - modifying permissions
> All done.
> Checking to see whether prerequisite tools are installed...
> Xen CHECK-INSTALL Fri Apr 13 15:26:13 CEST 2007
> Checking check_brctl:
> *** Check for the bridge control utils (brctl) FAILED
> Checking check_crypto_lib: OK
> Checking check_iproute: OK
> Checking check_libvncserver: unused, OK
> Checking check_python: OK
> Checking check_python_xml: OK
> Checking check_sdl: unused, OK
> Checking check_udev: OK
> Checking check_zlib_lib: OK
> All done.
> asfde-ht5wn2j:/software/sources/xen/dist64bit/dist # ls /lib/modules/
> asfde-ht5wn2j:/software/sources/xen/dist64bit/dist #
> /sbin/depmod
> asfde-ht5wn2j:/software/sources/xen/dist64bit/dist #
> /sbin/mkinitrd /boot/initrd-
> /sbin/mkinitrd: line 2965:
> /boot/initrd- No such file or directory
> No '/' mountpoint specified in /boot/initrd-
> asfde-ht5wn2j:/software/sources/xen/dist64bit/dist #
For some reason, it seems that it prepends the name of the initrd to the
/etc/fstab. This would be a bug in mkinitrd that probably isn't VERY hard to
fix (mkinitrd is a shell-script, so it's not a dramatically difficult task to
change it, if you have some experience with Unix-type OS's and/or (other)
script programming).
Or if you specify a root-device to mkinitrd, it shouldn't need to scan fstab in
the first place (that is if your mkinitrd works the same as the slightly older
version I've got on my machine), "-d /dev/hda" or some such would work. [Or you
can do "rootdev=/dev/hdb mkinitrd <args>", according to my script-file],
> In other words, everything seems to be going ok up to the
> point where we run mkinitrd to create the ramdisk image. I
> dont understand why it returns this strange message:
> /sbin/mkinitrd: line 2965:
> /boot/initrd- No such file or directory
> No '/' mountpoint specified in /boot/initrd-
> asfde-ht5wn2j:/software/sources/xen/dist64bit/dist #
> Has anyone else come across this problem? Any ideas as to how
> we can solve it?
> The workstation in question is a 64bit 2-CPU Intel-Xeon 3Ghz
> with 8GB RAM running SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Version 10.
> Thanks in advance!
> Xennewbie
> Kevin Wells
> Network Administrator
> ES - Engineering Support
> TRW Automotive Safety Systems GmbH
> Hefner-Alteneck-Straße 11
> D-63743 Aschaffenburg
> Tel.: +49.(0)6021.314.1572
> Fax: +49.(0)6021.314.1102
> Email: Kevin.Wells@xxxxxxx
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