Re: AW: AW: [Xen-users] xen + vlan: works but...
Angel Lopez wrote:
Is there any howto or reference doc. about this?
I need to setup something like that.
I've found suggestion and comments useful on that list. A well done
document is that of Felipe Alfaro:
Essentially it's a matter of:
1- creating a vlan (e.g. with id N) for -- say -- physical eth0
* modprobe 8021q
* vconfig add eth0 N
Now you have an eth0.N
* ifconfig eth0.N up
2- creating a bridge for that vlan
* brctl addbr vbridgeN
* ifconfig vbridgeN up
3- adding the vlan iface to the bridge
* brctl addif vbridgeN eth0.N
4- create a VM config and inserting it's eth0 on the new vbridgeN
That could be done as follows in the vm config file:
* vif = [ 'mac=....., bridge=vbridgeN' ]
5- Now on the VM you con configure it's eth0 with an IP on the
And if your vlan setup is right, all should be working...
Please let me know if you can experiment with UDP traffic and you see my
same problem...
-- Marco Mililotti
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