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[Xen-users] Re: Re: Exploiting XEN

Am 2007-03-15 15:37:35, schrieb Kraska, Joe A (US SSA):
> > A more interesting question is what about underprivileged attempts on
> > dom-0 itself, i.e. non-root users?
> *shrug*
> I assume that local access implies probable total access. Facet count
> exposures and all that. For myself, I would never let an untrusted user
> onto dom0. EVER. Same with my ESX installations.

This is exactly what I am concrned about...

Info:  I run a Development Workstation which was running at least 5
installations of GNU/Linux:

   sda          Master system (which one was booted)
   sdd          Chroot Debian/Sid
   sde          Chroot Debian/Etch
   sdf          Chroot Debian/Sarge
   sdg          Chroot Debian/Woody

I was running 4 X server at once and the Master-System was only
accessible for Root/Administrator.

Now I have installed Xenm where sda is Dom0 and the others the DomU.
Which mean I run fully in Dom0 and get the X server from DomU since
I can not run the X window-system directly in the DomU and I have
done it with the Chroots.

Any suggestions?

Note: If I run the Develpoment Workstation alone it is no
      problem, but sometimes I have other peoples working
      on it which I only partialy trust.

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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