On 3/4/07, xensource@xxxxxxxxxx <xensource@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry for my late answer... But testing the new xen/kernel is always a pain
for me, as my internet connection, DNS server and my asterisk PBX are running
in domUs...
Moreover, each time I boot the 2.6.19 kernel, I need to remove the xen 3.0.2
installation (emerge -C xen-utils), and then go to my xensource 3.0.4 and
issue a make install... in order to have the xen tools working with the
I've become a bit lost with this thread, but here goes....
I tried with the same kernel as the booted one, but still the same error
message. With nothing interesting in logs. (See below).
OK, for clarification, the domU with the 22 error creates fine with
the 3.0.2 system?
So, if you have any address, or howto, or other kernel that I could try (this
one is comming from redhat), I'm reall interested.
Please note that xend is well running and xm list shows the dom0. I have a 32
bits installation on an amd64.
Here is the behavior...
The combinations of distros you have going for dom0/domU and sources
is confuing things also...
homer xen # uname -a
Linux homer #2 SMP Sat Feb 17 11:27:31 CET 2007 i686 AMD
Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
homer xen # grep -v '^#' /etc/xen/krusty
kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-"
You want a domU kernel here, or just xen-enabled if the source does
not differentiate them.
memory = 64
No more than 64 mb to try?? Orig. post used 256...
name = "krusty"
vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:78:14:91, bridge=br1' ]
Original post were using br0...
disk =
['phy:/dev/homervg/krusty_sda1,sda1,w', 'phy:/dev/homervg/krusty_sda2,sda2,w']
An oddball thought, but can you rename the lv without the _?
Should also be relative to /dev, i.e. "homervg/krustysda1".
root = "/dev/sda1 ro"
extra = "gentoo=nodevfs"
So gentoo is the domU distro?
You've created the device files in the domU / file system? (sorry -
I'm not gentoo-aware...)
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