Re: [Xen-users] Xen & wifi connection
On Fri, 2007-01-19 at 13:05 +0000, Richard Jones wrote:
> I wonder if there are known issues with using Xen and a wifi
> connection instead of an ethernet connection?
> I have 'network-bridge netdev=wlan0', and as soon as xend starts
> the wifi connection on Dom0 completely breaks. Seems to be
> similar to these previously reported problems:
> http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2006-11/msg00635.html
> http://lists.linux-wlan.com/pipermail/linux-wlan-devel/2006-June/
> 003589.html
> (but isn't the same as http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenWifi)
> I would like to help debugging this problem, but I'm not sure where
> to start so if anyone would like additional details of my config,
> please reply.
> Xen 3.0.3 (from FC6), out-of-tree wireless driver from
> at76c503a.berlios.de, kernel 2.6.18-1.2869.fc6xen
> Rich.
You may do better better bringing up the bridge yourself in init.
You modify xend-config.xsp (in /etc/xen) to read:
(network-script network-dummy) , instead of network-bridge
Then create a file named /etc/xen/scripts/network-dummy with these
contents :
exit 0
Save it, and chmod +x
Then bring up the bridge via the network init scripts. In Debian land
this would look like : (using your example)
auto xenbr0
iface xenbro inet static
address x.x.x.x
netmask x.x.x.x
gateway x.x.x.x
bridge_fd 0
bridge_maxwait 0
bridge_helo 0
bridge_stp off
bridge_ports wlan0
.. or if using dhcp
auto xenbr0
iface xenbr0 inet dhcp
bridge_fd 0
bridge_ ... (same as above)
This (should) do the trick.
If not using Debian (i.e. CentOS or FC4) it is a tad bit more difficult,
depending on what you're used to. I seldom work with bridged ethernet
networking outside of Debian (or forks thereof) systems, I usually end
up having to look up how to do it properly using the built in init
scripts ( /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* ), or just do it by
hand in a separate init script to keep it easy to tinker with and
Hope this helps.
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