Re: [Xen-users] xen kernel and e1000 problem
Matt Richardson írta:
> On 1/1/07, Gémes Géza <geza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Matt Richardson írta:
>> > On 12/26/06, Gémes Géza <geza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > <snip>
>> >> Etch, Xen 3.0/kernel 2.6.18. What should be noted with the bridged
>> setup
>> >> in Debian you don't try to activate the interfaces at all, just the
>> >> bridges you've configured on them.
>> >>
>> >> Good Luck!
>> >>
>> >> Geza
>> >
>> > Can you describe this a little more? I noticed this behavior last
>> > week after installing Etch/Xen. I couldn't get any networking until I
>> > brought up a DomU, which in turn brought up the bridge.
>> >
>> >
>> I bring up the bridge via /etc/network/interfaces:
>> auto xenbridge-e1000
>> iface xenbridge-e1000 inet static
>> address
>> netmask
>> network
>> bridge_ports eth-e1000
>> (I've renamed the interfaces via udev, but it should work as well with
>> bridge_ports eth0, or something like that)
>> And have in my /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp:
>> (network-script network-dummy)
>> Network is working from the bootup regardless of any DomU running or
>> not.
>> Good Luck!
>> Geza
> That works like a champ, thanks! Now for the hard question: why is
> the Debian configuration different from the docs at xensource? I know
> my ignorance is showing, but I'm really curious to find out what is
> happening behind the scenes.
> take care,
First time I've read about this type of net setup on a howto made by
Julien Danjou (the page disappeared by then)
I think similar setup could be made with other distros too, the
difference beeing their net configuration files.
The main idea is to have bridges instead of plain ethernet interfaces
if they are configured by xend or your networking setup doesn't make
too much difference. IMHO the ' Debian way' is cleaner, because it
doesn't have to do the extra steps of configuring the ethernet
interfaces, then moving that config to the bridge (which involves more
steps as described in the xen networking documentation). I think the
'Xensource way' of configuring network has became so widespread because
it doesn't involve administrator effort in configuring a bridge, but it
is quite problematic in the case when you need to give more than one
virtual interface to a DomU (I had).
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