Re: [Xen-users] any tool to retrieve host info from guest and vice versa
Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Tim Post wrote:
>> On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 11:57 -0200, Christopher G. Stach II wrote:
>>> Maybe you should turn it into a Nagios plugin. :)
>> Why would I want to do that? Its defeating the purpose of using low
>> level C and simple file handles. Again, its stupid to raise loads and
>> eat up contiguous cache to monitor a server, such is the case with snmp
>> and nagios.
>> I suppose its just a matter of personal preference, and fundamental
>> understanding of how Linux uses memory :)
> Or because Nagios has an existing user base, user confidence, lots of
> flexibility for plug-ins, and the front ends and interfaces to it are
> all built up. By the time you get finished building up all those
> associated features, you'll have spent man-years of programming time
> and made it much bulkier.
> Now, if you'd care to build a more efficient back-end for it, or
> improve its error reporting, cool.
Hold a minute.
I like Nagios and think it does a great jobs in many ways but the Tim
tools is far more simple and if you don't need all Nagios' features
it's far more logical to use his tool since it provides all basic
information without all complexity and software requirements of
Besides, it's natural to us try to write better suitable alternatives
to solve our problems otherwise we would never have Linux ;-)
Otavio Salvador O.S. Systems
E-mail: otavio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.ossystems.com.br
Mobile: +55 53 9981-7854 http://projetos.ossystems.com.br
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