Re: [Xen-users] FreeBSD under Xen
On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, Henning Sprang wrote:
On 12/8/06, Luke Crawford <lsc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I believe there were also xen changes between 3.0.2 and 3.0.3 that will
cause a FreeBSD XenU setup for 3.0.2 to not run under 3.0.3.. I don't
believe it has been fixed in perforce yet, but I am not sure as I haven't
really spent much time on it in the last couple months.
Does that mean it's very unlikely to get FreeBSD installed with the
images provided by yuan ye?
Try with a 3.0.2 xen kernel; I haven't tried Yuan's stuff... here is a
kernel I hacked together from Kip Macy's perforce sources and a version of
-current from a couple months ago- it works on a xen 3.0.2 host (with a
linux dom0) non-PAE. http://prgmr.com/~lsc/xen3_domU It seems to
mostly work okay;
(I don't have the install target; you can install using qemu, then use
this kernel)
I searched the frreeBSD ftp server but cpuldn't find other ones. Does
this mean, I need to install a freebsd system and build such a kernel
myself if I want to install a freebsd domU?
pretty much. as far as I can tell the src isn't integrated w/ mainline
current, either- you have to talk someone into giving you access to
the FreeBSD perforce (I can't give you access to perforce, but I can get
you a tarball if you are impatient and everyone else is busy- I have
read-access) then you need to hack that into a reasonably current
(the perforce changelog is here:
you can view the changelog, but to actually get the code, you need access;
I've got read-access)
I would be willing to dedicate this weekend to the project; I'm good for
the practical bits of getting source from here and there and banging on it
until it compiles, and I've got test boxes and access to all the
code and stuff; if someone else wants to help me with figuring out the
3.0.2 -> 3.0.3 breakage- that's a little above my current level- I would
be happy to do all the work of setting things up and obtaining sources
from various places and banging on it until it works, though.
If we could get it basically running again, I bet we could talk
people into getting at least DomU support integrated with -current
proper; I'd be willing to do some leg work there. I've got all sorts of
people wanting even alpha-quality FreeBSD domUs.
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