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Re: [Xen-users] xen and madwifi

To: tim.post@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] xen and madwifi
From: "Jan Bernatik" <jan.bernatik@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 13:04:35 +0100
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I am still confused by that case. I am still missing arch/xen
directory in my linux- kernel source tree. After I run
make world, it was not present, as I mentioned above. So after reading
your post, I did cd linux-, make menuconfig. I could see
"processor type and features" -> "subarchitecture type" -> "xen
compatible", so I guess SOME patches have to be applied in this stage.
But after make, nothing changed, directory arch/xen still not present.
I expeceted that, because I don't think that if arch/xen directory is
not present, it will be created by make. I studied root directory
makefile a bit, and tried make mkpatches. It created
linux-2.6-xen.patch file in xen root directory. Should I apply this
patch manually somehow, to modify vanilla linux kernel source tree ?
Could you please tell me when exactly is vanilla kernel (downloaded
from kernel.org) patched by xen patches ?

What I thought about make process, is that:
I download xen sources, which includes xen patches to appropriate
vailla kernel, xen daemod, tools, and docs.
I run make world, which downloads appropriate vanilla kernel, APPLY
XEN PATCHES to it, and compiles it with some pre-configured setup,
then compiles xend, tools, and creates docs.
The I run sh ./install.sh, which  copies content od dist directory to
appropriate system directories.

but obviously, I miss something, because that's not exactly what
happened, because I don't see xen architectur added to vanilla kernel
tree, so I cannot use ARCH=xen option to make command, to compile
madwifi driver for xen domain 0.

thanks, I really feel like an idiot, being unable to make any progress.


On 11/25/06, Tim Post <tim.post@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 14:37 +0100, Jan Bernatik wrote:
> hi all,

> I saw some posts saying that madwifi is working with xen, so I am
> curious what am I doing wrong.
> thanks, have a nice day
> J.

If you go to /xen-3.0.3/linux- and run a make menuconfig
you'll be on familiar territory. From there a make, make modules_install
and make install will handle the rest. /lib/modules/ will
look as it should after you do that and you can build your modules. This
should have already happened when you built from source, so double check
to be sure you have needed packages installed. Something didn't go
right :)

With Xen, building from source is the best way to install, especially
with all of the changes in dependency packages .. sometimes they take a
while to perk their way through the binary packages on various distros.

Just remember, is just like any other kernel.org kernel,
with the addition of the xen patches. You are encouraged to (and should)
play with it :)



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