Re: [Xen-users] Xen 3.0.2: one DomU networks stops
On 11/22/06, Denny Schierz <cuall@xxxxxx> wrote:
i have a strange problem. Since installing icecast2 streamserver on one
DomU, with virtual IP (routed setup), the network between dom0 und domU
stops, without any reason.
Ich can ping localhost and the IP self, but not the IP from any other
host (other DomU or, Dom0).
I have four domU hosts running, without any problems and same kernel
with Xen 3.0.2. On the other hosts i have much more traffic, but only
with the stream and Mails server, the connections stops.
The _only_ way, to get netzworking running again, is to shutdown the
domU, change the name of vif (like from 1.0, to 1.1) and starting again.
Well, i didn't reboot the whole machine, but have to do it on weekend,
cause of zombies from the DomU with the problems.
any suggestions?
Did you try this?
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