[Xen-users] Re: AW: Monitoring software - run in Dom0 or a DomU
Thomas von Steiger <thomas.vonsteiger <at> bluewin.ch> writes:
> I have setup http://cacti.net in domU to monitor all the guest's other nodes
> and dom0. It's a great solution.
> Thomas
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: xen-users-bounces <at> lists.xensource.com
> [mailto:xen-users-bounces <at> lists.xensource.com] Im Auftrag von Thomas
> Gesendet: Freitag, 3. November 2006 21:16
> An: Xen Users
> Betreff: [Xen-users] Monitoring software - run in Dom0 or a DomU
> So if we're going to setup Nagios to monitor our network, do you think
> we should set it up in a DomU (the current plan) or put it into a Dom0?
> (I'm leaning towards a DomU.)
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You might want to try our Versiera Core hosted monitoring/management system
(free). It is agent based and uses SSL. You can get an account at
www.versiera.com - will be up and running a couple of minutes (support for most
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