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Re: [Xen-users] Xen-2.0.7 and RHAS 2.4.21

To: "BB Mailing list" <bb.mlist@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Xen-2.0.7 and RHAS 2.4.21
From: "Eric-Olivier Lamey" <eolamey@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 13:01:41 +0000
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On 10/30/06, BB Mailing list <bb.mlist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I don't think aic7xxx is compiled in the xen 2 kernel, find
/lib/modules/*xen* -name aic\* gives nothing :(
 Maybe it is compiled in the kernel and the error you get at boot
comes from another missing module ? When you boot the regular RHEL 3
kernel, what is the output of 'lsmod' ?

I would love to run xen 3 (which actually worked when I installed it on
Ubuntu, and which would probably work like a breeze on Redhat AS4) but:

1. I need Redhat AS3 images as DomUs (and could not find such ready made
 There are lots of different ways to install a RHEL 3 domU, even dom0
is not running RHEL 3. I'm using anaconda for example so that I can
reuse our kickstart infrastructure.

2. I need a 2.4 kernel for the DomUs (as close as possible to the one
shipped with Redhat AS3)

So I thought the easiest way would be to have RHAS 3 as Dom0, but I realize
it's not that easy and from another thread I understand I cannot have a 2.4
kernel running on top of a 2.6 xen kernel.
 You cannot have a non-xen aware kernel as a domU when using non-VT hardware.

I'm pretty much stuck here.
 Well, I guess the only way to make this work (i.e having a standard
RHEL 3 kernel) is to use a VT enabled server.

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