Re: [Xen-users] Using Xen HVM on Ubuntu Edgy
Can you paste your .conf for the virtual machine ?
On 10/28/06, lflesch.domicile@xxxxxxxxxxx <lflesch.domicile@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm trying to user Xen and HVM support on my new Edgy
My config : AMD 3800+ Dual Core.
SVM support is ok.
I installed xen following the tuto on Ubuntu.com : "XenOnEdgy" and
after that installed xen-ioemu-3.0 for hvm support.
I set my srv.hvm config file (in order to boot on CDROM) and
after that : xm create srv.hvm.
The new domain appears in xentop list but nothing happens : no
window opens and no CDROM activity.
xen logs don't show any error.
Did you have some advice to progress ?
Tnaks a lot for your help !
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